
Jobs at Home

side note: Three days in a row that I'm posting here, a new record... of which I am quite proud!

In a desperate attempt to find a part time gig and bring in a little extra income, I started (once again), searching for work at home opportunities on line. I have had my fair share of trial and error in this area and have spent much more money than I wish to admit to on 'scam' type positions that promised large income potential and was adamant that I was not going to do that this time around.

In a search for writing/editing opportunities I came across one appearing fairly legitimate on jobsathome.com. This opportunity did not promise high levels of income, but also did not require any initial investment, so it appears to be more realistic than those telling me if I spend hundreds now and work minutes or less a day, I can earn thousands each week in no time.

In short, the offer stated that I could earn between $1 and $15 per article for clients requiring articles of typically 400-500 words each, and I just need to promise to be available to write 4-5 articles a day at minimum and at least 5 days per week. That seems reasonable. Upon emailing my resume and expression of interest in the position, I was told most contracts are $1 per 500 words. In my mind this is approximately 2 hours of work each day for 5 articles, totaling a whopping earnings of $5 per day or $25 per week. Out of curiosity, I went ahead and proceeded in the application process, expressing to the HR representative that while I would be willing to give this chance, I could not commit myself long term to something so trivial in compensation.

This being said I was asked for and submitted three 'sample' articles of 200 words each as my test to be offered a contract. After these submissions were reviewed I received word that my writing excels (yay) and that I was being passed on for further consideration and would be able to obtain at least $2/500 words, but not likely more. In the end I was offered placement for $1/100 words (even better) and assigned to a project manager to receive further instructions. I gladly accepted this contract, expecting to be put to work immediately, and earning $50-$75 extra dollars weekly for an estimate of about 10 hours work. Of course this estimate is just my own hope that my assignments are simple topics about which I already have some knowledge and can crank out 500 words in no time at all.... I am still waiting to see if this estimate is accurate and if there is potential in this position.

I started this process early last week, and after sending my samples, being reviewed and accepting the final contract terms (last Thursday), I have been waiting further instruction. A week has passed, and I have yet to earn a dime.

After sending an inquiry about the status of my first assignment I was informed yesterday that assignments at my level of pay are few and far between and it may be weeks before I receive my first project to accept. In the meantime, I am to keep checking, as they require almost immediate response and at least an average of one article every six hours when an assignment is accepted. In the meantime, if I wish, there are lower paying assignments 'below my pay level' that I can be offered. While I was debating on accepting a lower assignment, today I was transferred to a new project manager who may have assignments for me in the genre of 'green sustainability' and the financial industry, two topics about which I feel capable of writing and was willing to try out. I was asked for yet some more sample articles on these very general topics to share with the client to see if I was a right fit for the job.

So as of now, I have written a total of three 'sample articles' from which I can be judged, and still have yet to receive an actual assignment and earn a penny. It's only been a week, so I am still optimistic, but my initial enthusiasm is starting to dwindle. I am hoping that by tomorrow my latest samples will have been reviewed, deemed suitable, and a paying gig will be awaiting me in my inbox.

Despite my loss of enthusiasm, I have not spent a penny nor have I had to provide any personal information, and therefore am still fairly certain this is not a scam. My pay is supposed to be paid through Paypal every Friday, for any articles written that week, which seems safe enough. Hopefully by next Friday (since I've missed the mark for tomorrows payment) I will start to see a little earnings from this endeavor and will have a better feel for how the system works and how much time it will take me to make a few extra bucks.

I'll keep posting any new developments, in case anyone is interested. Cross your fingers for me world! $75 per week will at least help me pay for Em's much needed braces.... speaking of... darn, was supposed to schedule that to happen sometime soon... getting out the long list of 'to do's'.

Signing out...

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