

Back to my last post for a moment... I did receive an email back late last night in regards to my latest 'sample articles'. This time I was informed that my writing basically sucked and would be too much of a proofreading hassle for further consideration on the two possible assignments for which I'd been a potential candidate. Eek. What a downer to my spirit.

I did send back a nice polite response today thanking my 'team leader' for his feedback and expressing my desire in another opportunity to prove my worthiness should they decide to offer me a second chance, but have yet to receive any reply to this message. We'll see... I'll be sure to mention it in a future post if anything happens. I am just upset at the effort put into writing freebie articles that apparently went from excellent to less than sub-par in a weeks time span. Come on paying gig... give me a chance at redemption.

Good news in the Miller house - Trent (hubby) recently acquired a small boost in his pay. This will help significantly with baby expenses come November. Why include this in my 'frustrations' blog? Well - he is now taking home more than me and as proud of him as I am, I HATE it! I either need to be the primary breadwinner in the household, or I need to be a stay at home mother with him taking complete care of me. I don't like being in the middle, where I don't feel I'm happy with my career and certainly feel less than thrilled about my involvement with my children and household duties. Yet right now, that's right where I am... stuck in the middle.

On a happy note - Tomorrow is Trent's birthday, I'm logging off now to go get him a card. Wishing him the happiest of days, and hoping he's OK with the Cubs/Cardinals tickets I got him.

More thoughts and frustrations to come in the near future... I can't seem to stop them...

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