
Unemployment gives me too much time to think...


My name's Caroline Jason...

I'm a mother...

I'm a fiance...

I'm a housecleaner, although not a very good one...

I'm a friend...

I'm an ex flooring specialist...

I'm an ex call center manager...

I'm an ex bartender...

I'm an ex waitress...

I'm an ex retail supervisor...

I'm an ex used car salesmen (women)...

I'm an ex report analyst...

I'm an ex inbound phone CSR...

I'm an ex program coordinator...

I'm an ex traffic specialist...

I'm an ex novice graffic designer...

& currently... I'm just a mom...

I've been unemployed for 2 weeks now... in between jobs... looking for jobs... and working harder than I ever did in any of the positions mentioned above. I know there's a position out there right for me and my skills... I just don't know where to find it... I can't believe I've had 13 'job offers' in two weeks time, and they are all SALES crap positions. I understand that in order for people to have insurance, someone has to sell insurance, but how can it be that these are the only positions available to a highly qualified 26 year old woman willing and dedicated to getting the job done... I've paid to have my resume sent to employers, and it was only sent (it seems) to more mass-job websites, asking me to then sign up with them.

I've paid for some career website access, with the promise to access to better, higher paying jobs, more conveniently... and it's all the same old stuff... I don't recommend paying for these services to anyone, after my experience the past two weeks.

Would I like to work at home? Of course... what mother wouldn't... but for $10,000 a month... and I only pay $197 to start... give me a break... so many 'opportunities' out there for those like me that are in need of work... and every single one is the exact same opportunity, no matter how it's worded. And none are worth a dime.

What am I doing with my spare time? Well, I haven't had much of it, but I'm enjoying the bit that I've had. I'm used to working 60 hours a week, and now I'm doing odd jobs at my own convenience. I'm writing professional resumes for friends, family and clients (need one, let me know)... I'm doing some projects for my karate school to keep my mind and hands busy... I'm attending extra classes to get my karate attendance up... I'm spending some much needed quality time with my daughter... I'm actually getting some cleaning done around my home... I'm selling some things on Ebay (look for Emslovingmother), and I'm being somewhat lazy and taking naps.

I'm also spending a lot of time fantasizing about winning the lottery, or about my fiance finding a kick-butt job and taking over the bread-winning responsibilities, allowing me to stay at home. I never thought I'd want that, but the more I think about it, the more I feel I deserve it. I want more kids... but considering I don't feel like I've been much a part of my daughters life until this point, I don't know if I could do that to another child... just because it's the 21st century, doesn't mean I have to be the one paying the bills... does it? Maybe the lottery winnings will come...

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