
She's loving school... I'm kinda ok with work...

Well... it's been a few weeks, and my child is still excited about her new school and new grade... she's making a few friends, and not feeling overwhelmed yet by the workload. I have a feeling that will come with time, however.

As for me, I'm still working my temp job. I'm kinda liking the place... it's certainly the easiest most stress-free job I've ever had, and they offered me full time and seem to really appreciate my abilities and my work ethic... guess they don't get the best people all the time... they really make me feel appreciated though, and that's something I haven't gotten used to over the years at my previous places of employment. If only the pay were better, I'd surely stick around there for a while.

Anyway, I'm interviewing today for yet another job. I wish I prided myself a little more on my interview skills. There are a lot of things I can claim to be good at in life and work... interviewing is most definitely not one of those things... I can communicate fine in any environment except an interview. I'm not normally nervous... I just always realize after the fact what I SHOULD have said that would come across a lot better than whatever I DID say.... it's the whole shoulda, coulda, woulda syndrome...

Otherwise, life is good. If I could pay all my bills on minimum wage, I'd be a happy person... unfortunately, it takes a bit more than that to satisfy my debtors and that is the cause of a lot of the stress in my life.

I did get a second job to help satisfy some of the bills on my end table... back at Affina, again... I knew it would come to this... but I was hoping for a miracle... never have been that lucky... my winning lottery ticket probably got sold to someone else by accident... it certainly hasn't found it's way into my purse yet.

Ah well... money can't buy happiness I've been told... I just wish not having enough money didn't cause stress... and I don't have anyone to help me with this, without coming out of the failure closet... I REFUSE TO FAIL... I don't have it in me!!!

So much for that topic... I'm getting depressed... gonna get ready to go to karate... punching and kicking seems to ease the pain a bit.

~Caroline Jason

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